PGCM 6 September 2015, 9 am Seminar Room,Dept. of Orthoipaedics, GMC , Nagpur . Topic-Femoral head AVN 1-Case presentation. 2- Etiopathogenesis and classification of AVN – Dr. Sandesh Thete. 3-Medical Treatment…
INVITATION In memory of late Dr. Suresh Chimote We invite you for Operative Workshop & CME on “LUMBAR PEDICULAR SCREW FIXATION IN SPONDYLOLISTHESIS” Jointly organised by Amravati Orthopaedic Association, Dr.Panjabrao…
AAOS-Ortho Excellence programme A series of certification programme will be conducted in three modules. very good response to first module and was attended by 63 ortho. surgeons Second module is scheduled…
AAOS-Ortho Excellence programme A series of certification programme will be conducted in three modules. very good response to first module and was attended by 63 ortho. surgeons Second module is scheduled…
“Essentials of CLINICAL RESEARCH & COMPUTER SKILLS” For Orthopaedic Surgeons & Practitioners of Modern Medicine (MMC ACCREDITATED CLINICAL MEETING – 2 CREDIT POINT) In Association with Indian Orthopaedic Research Group(IORG)…
“Essentials of CLINICAL RESEARCH & COMPUTER SKILLS” For Orthopaedic Surgeons & Practitioners of Modern Medicine (MMC ACCREDITATED CLINICAL MEETING – 2 CREDIT POINT) In Association with Indian Orthopaedic Research Group…