For Orthopaedic Surgeons & Practitioners of Modern Medicine
In Association with Indian Orthopaedic Research Group
Sunday, AUGUST 9th, 2015 (9 AM to 4 PM)
Venue – Hotel Tuli Imperial, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur
Breakfast & Registration 8.30 to 9 AM
Registartion Fees : 500/-
Dr. Surendra Patil
Dr. Sudhir Soni
Dr. Alankar Ramteke
Dr. Samir Dwidmuthe
VOS President
Dr. Ashutosh Apte
VOS Secretary
Dr. Amol Kadu
Master of Ceremonies : Dr. Samir Dwidmuthe
0855-0900 AM :
: Dr. Samir Dwidmuthe
0900-0910 AM :
What is research? How to start it?
: Dr. Murali Poduval
0910-0920 AM :
Academic Orthopaedic Research – Common Misconceptions
: Dr. Ashok Shyam
0920-0930 AM :
Current scenario of Research and its applicability in next 5 years
: Dr. Murali Poduval
0930-0940 AM :
How to conceive a paper? How to select a topic? How to go about it?
: Dr. Murali Poduval
0940-0950 AM :
Ethics in Publication
: Dr. Ashok Shyam
1000-1010 AM :
Balancing research with clinical practice
: Dr. Viraj Shingade
1010-1020 AM :
Evidence Based Medicine – Should we use it at all?
: Dr. Ashok Shyam
1020-1030 AM :
Do articles published in Journals apply to your clinical practice? Tips on making this important decision
: Dr. Murali Poduval
1030-1110 AM :
How to write a paper? Anatomy of publication
1) Parts of a scientific paper
1) Dr. Alankar Ramteke
2) Writing title & abstract
2) Dr. Alankar Ramteke
3) Writing introduction and materials & methods
3) Dr. Viraj Shingade
4) Writing results & discussion
4) Dr. Ashok Shyam
5) References, Figures & Legends
5) Dr. Alankar Ramteke
1110-1130 AM :
Review of Literature. How to use PubMed search
: Dr. Ashok Shyam
1130-1145 AM :
1145-1230 PM :
1230-1245 PM :
How to present your paper in conferences- Tips on PowerPoint presentation
: Dr. Mangal Parihar
1245-0100 PM :
Social Networking for Ortho Surgeons
: Dr. Ashok Shyam
0100-0130 PM :
Taking good Images and editing
: Dr. Mangal Parihar
0115-0130 PM :
Digital data management
: Dr. Mangal Parihar
0130-0145 PM :
Essential websites for Orthopaedic Surgeons
: Dr. Ashok Shyam
0145-0200 PM :
5 Most useful mobile apps for Orthopaedic Surgeons
: Dr. Mangal Parihar
0210-0220 PM :
Advances & etiquettes of digital communication
: Dr. Samir Dwidmuthe
0220-0230 PM :
How to ensure your PG thesis gets acceptance for publication?
: Dr. Murali Poduval
0230-0300 PM :
0300-0310 PM :
Concluding remarks by faculty & chairpersons
Vote of thanks
: Dr. Amol Kadu
For Registration Contact
Team VOS
Dr. Alankar Ramteke, Clinical Committee Chairman
: 9561085443
Dr. Alok Umre, Clinical Committee Co-chairman
: 9822237977
Dr. Sumedh Chaudhary, Clinical Committee Co-chairman
: 9371033530
Dr. Samir Dwidmuthe, Convener, Clinical Research Meeting
: 9422904819
Dr. Amol Kadu, Secretary VOS
: 9373103861
Dr. Ashutosh Apte, President VOS
: 9225227996
Registartion Fees : 500/-
Online Registration
Please send duly filled registration form along with Cheque / DD favouring “Vidarbha Orthopeadic Society, Nagpur” to Dr. Alankar Ramteke at:
: Arthritis and Joint Replacement Clinic, C-21, 4th Floor, Yugadharma complex, Ramdaspeth, Napgur-10
: 0712- 6610301
0712- 6610302

Dr. Mangal Parihar
Dr. Mangal Parihar is an orthopedic and limb reconstruction specialist and Honorary Assistant Professor at Sir JJ Group of Hospitals & Grant Medical College. He is also an Honorary Orthopedic Surgeon at Sir HN Hospital & Research Centre, Police Hospital and Fortis (Wockhardt) Hospital and Jagjivan Ram Hospital, Mumbai. He is a sought after faculty for various conferences worldwide (Baltimore Deformity course, British Orthopedic Association) as well as in India (IOACON, WIROC etc). Dr. Parihar’s academic activity includes conducting workshops and demonstration surgeries.

Dr. Murali Poduval
Dr. Murali Poduval is Additional Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at JIPMER, Pondicherry. He is Editorial Board Member of Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. His special interest lies in academics and Medical writing and he regularly publishes articles in various Journals.

Dr. Viraj Shingade
Dr. Viraj Shingade is a Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeon and Director, Children Orthopaedic Care Institute, Nagpur. He has a special interest in clinical research in variety of Paediatric Orthopaedic conditions. Dr Shingade invented his own surgical methods for Clubfoot, Radioulnar synostosis and Cerebral Palsy Hand.

Dr. Ashok Shyam
Dr. Ashok Shyam is the director at The Arthritis clinic (Mumbai) and Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation. He is the Chief researcher and heads Indian Orthopaedic Research Group and has founded the Indian Orthopaedic Research Society. He is the editor of Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports and Journal of Medical Thesis. He is also a member of Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Orthopaedics and SMARTT Journal.

Dr. Alankar Ramteke
Dr. Alankar Ramteke is an adult joint reconstruction and replacement surgeon based at Nagpur. He is presently a member of editorial board of Indian Journal of Orthopaedics and section editor of Journal of Orthopaedic case reports. His research interests include osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis, knee replacement surgeries, hip replacement surgeries, knee & hip reconstruction and joint preservation surgeries in the young.

Dr. Samir Dwidmuthe
Dr. Samir Dwidmuthe is Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at NKPSIMS and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital at Hingna, Nagpur. His surgical interest is in Arthroscopy & Sports Injuries and has written and published in various national & international journals. Ongoing research projects include ACL avulsion fixation, PRP in tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, SS tendinitis, chronic wounds.