Dear Friends,
Season greetings to all from team VOS..
We take great pleasure in announcing
In association with
Department of Orthopedics at NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur.
Last year, too, a one day workshop on hand was conducted and you all had participated in great enthusiasm, this year we have gone a step forward to have an operative hand workshop and we wish to inform you that this workshop is designed in such a way that it will help us all in managing the regular hand and wrist problems that we face day to day in our routine practice.
I am sure once you would go through the topics and programme you will agree that the topics and surgeries to be demonstrated are the ones we encounter commonly. We have made sure the interest of the general orthopaedic surgeon and those interested in hand surgery are aroused.
Invited faculty are eminent Surgeons in the field of Hand Surgery.
Dr. Prakash Kotwal, Head Dept. Of Orthopaedics at AIIMS, New Delhi and A.O India Trustee.
Dr. Bhauvik Garg, Asso. Prof., Dept. of Orthopaedics, Divsion of Hand Surgery, AIIMS, New Delhi.
So please block your dates:
Sunday, 24th November 2013.
Venue: Dental Auditorium, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences
Time: 08:30am to 04:00pm