Category: General

Vidarbha Orthopaedic Society, Nagpur

3rd Clinical Meeting

3 rd Clinical Meeting of VOS on Sunday, 21st June 2015, 9 am at  Hotel Centre Point, Nagpur. Topics : 1. Knee examination….perspective of an arthroscopic, arthroplasty surgeon, Pediatric orthopedician [...]
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Vidarbha Orthopaedic Society, Nagpur

Installation od New Team of VOS

Change is the key stone for progress of any society. The vidarbha orthopaedic society is not an exception to it. In order to continue its march ahead there is a [...]
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Vidarbha Orthopaedic Society, Nagpur


We believe in breaking down the barriers that prevent many people worldwide from accessing the medicine and health care they need, we pledge to improve quality of life for our [...]
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Vidarbha Orthopaedic Society, Nagpur


2nd Clinical meeting of VOS scheduled on 17th may 2015, 9 am at Hotel Centre Point, Nagpur. Meeting focussed on Rheumatology and Trauma, followed by clinical case discussion. Renowned Rheumatologist from [...]
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AAOS-Ortho Excellence programme , A series of certification programme will be conducted in three modules. First module is scheduled on 29th April 2015. The module will feature Pelvi-actabular fractures and [...]
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